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Tea Party Patriots Endorses Chris...

Tea Party Patriots Endorses Chris McDaniel for U.S. Senate (@CMforUSSenate)

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 20, 2014

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate from Mississippi Chris McDaniel today announced that the Tea Party Patriots’ Citizens Fund endorsed his candidacy in his challenge to Senator Thad Cochran, who is seeking his seventh term in the U.S. Senate.

“I could not be prouder to have the support of Jenny Beth Martin and the Tea Party Patriots in this fight for freedom in Mississippi,” McDaniel said of the endorsement. “The Tea Party Patriots represent the growing grassroots movement in Mississippi and across the nation that recognizes the old way of politics is precisely what has brought us a $17.2 trillion national debt. The people have had enough, they are making their voices heard, and I am proud to follow their lead in this fight.”

“Chris McDaniel is a citizen leader committed to fighting for personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future,” said Jenny Beth Martin, chairman of Tea Party Patriots’ Citizens Fund.

Martin continued, “Unlike the incumbent, Chris McDaniel has not been in the Senate since Richard Nixon was president, has not voted for literally tens of trillions of dollars of spending – borrowed from our children and grandchildren – and has never voted to raise the debt ceiling. Chris McDaniel is just the kind of senator Mississippi needs.”

The Tea Party Patriots’ Citizens Fund was founded in 2010 to put the brakes on massive government spending and regulation, and is committed to equipping grassroots activists at the state and local level with the tools and resources needed to hold elected officials and government accountable and elect new and qualified candidates.

Chris McDaniel has been endorsed by a wide array of elected officials and organizations, including Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, Madison Project, Phyllis Schlafly, Sarah Palin, Senate Conservatives Fund, and Tea Party Express.

Chris McDaniel Campaign Release

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.