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Paul Minor files 2255 motion –...

Paul Minor files 2255 motion – claims Abbe Lowell, who defended Clinton, gave ineffective counsel

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 20, 2014

Attorneys Oliver Diaz and Matt Eichelberger filed a 2255 motion on behalf of disgraced trial lawyer Paul Minor. In it they claim that Minor received ineffective assistance of counsel from none other than Abbe Lowell. Lowell is one of the leading partners at nationally renowned Chadbourne and Parke and is widely regarded as one of the best lawyers in the United States.

Lowell is best known for being the lawyer charged with the primary defense of Bill Clinton during his impeachment.

No doubt, the fawning press pals of the Minor camp have kept this filing quiet.

Paul Minor files 2255 motion claiming ineffective assistance of counsel of Abbe Lowell

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Magnolia Tribune

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