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On Education Appopriations final vote...

On Education Appopriations final vote with #CommonCore Chris McDaniel (@CMforUSSenate) takes a walk

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 14, 2014

Yesterday, much todo was made about the Mississippi Senate Conservative Coalition making a stand against Common Core funding. Sort of.

The amendment to strip $600K from the bill that was associated with Common Core was voted down 39-11. Sen. Melanie Sojourner mde ah strtment on hr FCBook pag.

However, at the end of the day, Chris McDaniel, Melanie Sojourner and Michael Watson “took a walk” as is known in legislative parlance and voted Present on final passage of the Education Appropriations Bill (HB 1476).

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.