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State Senator Melanie Sojourner...

State Senator Melanie Sojourner (R-McDaniel) bends the laws of grammar in opposition of #CommonCore

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 13, 2014

YP NOTE – You can’t make this up.

This is from State Senator Melanie Sojourner’s Facebook page. She is lamenting losing the argument on Common Core. She is also on the campaign team for Senator Chris McDaniel running for US Senate.

Disheartened at how little our state has engaged in what has become one of the hottest debates in the nation.

Our amendment to strip the line item for funding Common Core Literacy in MS failed 39-11. The roll call vote as to how each senator voted is attached. Lines to the left of ones name means they supported defunding. Lines to the right of a senators name means they voted to support and fund Common Core.

Proud of my fellow colleagues who stood and fought. They brought forth the only knowledgeable and factual points on what Common Core is or is not.

The opposing side brought forth no facts and instead used rhetoric regarding the need for a standard federal program. Additionally, they claimed that those against Common Core where(sic) misinforming and spreading propaganda. They likened it to the kind of rhetoric associated with seeing ghost(sic) and UFO’s(sic).

Todays(sic) debate is the only discussion that has occurred on Common Core in the MS Senate since the standards were adopted. Most of the time when our Conservative Coalition Members spoke there were few senators listening or paying attention. Despite our efforts today there has still be(sic) no hearing or debate held by this body.

Mississippians should trouble(sic) that in a state where we sit 51st in education your state senate is basically not engaging in debate regarding Common Core Standards being taught in our schools. Despite the fact that over a dozen other states have taken hard action(sic). MS Senators are now on record as to where they stand regarding teaching Common Core.

We owe it to the children of our state to get engaged and not just vote based on personal politics. I encourage all those concerned to contact your legislator and encourage them to hold hearings, gather information and engaging in making a decision about what direction MS should take regarding dedicating our children.

State Senator Melanie Sojourner Facebook Page

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.