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Sarah Palin Endorses Chris McDaniel...

Sarah Palin Endorses Chris McDaniel (@CMforUSSenate) for U.S. Senate in Mississippi

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 13, 2014

Sarah Palin Endorses Chris McDaniel for U.S. Senate in Mississippi

Governor Sarah Palin today announced her endorsement of Chris McDaniel, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Mississippi, in his bid to unseat six-term incumbent Senator Thad Cochran.

“I am truly humbled that Governor Palin has honored my request for her to join my campaign in this fight for liberty in Mississippi,” said McDaniel of the endorsement.

Governor Palin released the following statement in support of McDaniel:

“Chris McDaniel has a proven record of fighting for conservative principles in the Mississippi State Senate. He has been a champion of limited government, free enterprise, civic participation, reduced tax rates, a strong national defense, and a return to the original checks and balances of the Constitution. He’s a proven fighter for the rights of We the People. For example, he’s taken on special interests in defense of our private property rights against the abuse of eminent domain, and he’s introduced legislation to protect our 2nd Amendment rights against federal government overreach.

“The Mississippi Senate race is a clear fight for the future of the Republican Party against the entrenched interests of the permanent political class in D.C. We desperately need new conservative leaders in the U.S. Senate who will serve with passion, intelligence, and integrity. Chris McDaniel is just such a leader. He is in this race not for career, but for conservative change.

“To learn more about Chris McDaniel and support his campaign, please visit his website at”

“Governor Palin is a true champion of conservative self-reliance that so many Americans and Mississippians identify with and admire. We knew we’d need help in this uphill battle against entrenched incumbency in Washington, D.C. and we could not be more thrilled to have the governor’s support,” McDaniel said of Palin’s decision.

McDaniel has been endorsed by a wide array of elected officials and organizations, including Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, Madison Project, Senate Conservatives Fund, and Tea Party Express.

Chris McDaniel Press Release

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.