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Mississippi Tea Party urges its members...

Mississippi Tea Party urges its members to flood Supertalk with calls over Common Core funding vote

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 13, 2014


Sen. Hill’s amendment to an appropriations measure that would remove funding for Common Core failed this morning in the Senate. She argued clearly and logically against Common Core while fellow senators including Watson and McDaniel supported her and reminded the body that each one would hereafter be accountable.

With the information provided by Sen. Hill, not one of them can say they didn’t know. It is time to hole them accountable for their votes.

Eleven Senators Voted to Defund
Philip Gandy, Josh Harkins, Angela Hill, Gary Jackson, Perry Lee , Chris Massey, Chris McDaniel, David Parker, Tony Smith, Melanie Sojourner, Michael Watson

If your senator’s name is not listed above, then he/she is voting to support Common Core. Let them know that you will remember this vote at election time.

Let’s flood talk radio with this issue and ask the Paul Gallo and J.T. on SuperTalk to cover the question of Common Core.
Why the Senate failed to defund.
Why didn’t Sen. Thad Cochran – if he is truly against Common Core – lead the fight to defund it?
Why didn’t Lt. Gov. Reeves lead in defunding it?

Sen. Hill’s amendment to an appropriations measure that would remove funding for Common Core failed this morning in the Senate. She argued clearly and logically against Common Core while fellow senators including Watson and McDaniel supported her and reminded the body that each one would hereafter be accountable.

With the information provided by Sen. Hill, not one of them can say they didn’t know. It is time to hole them accountable for their votes.

Eleven Senators Voted to Defund
Philip Gandy, Josh Harkins, Angela Hill, Gary Jackson, Perry Lee , Chris Massey, Chris McDaniel, David Parker, Tony Smith, Melanie Sojourner, Michael Watson

If your senator’s name is not listed above, then he/she is voting to support Common Core. Let them know that you will remember this vote at election time.

Let’s flood talk radio with this issue and ask the Paul Gallo and J.T. on SuperTalk to cover the question of Common Core.
Why the Senate failed to defund.
Why didn’t Sen. Thad Cochran – if he is truly against Common Core – lead the fight to defund it?
Why didn’t Lt. Gov. Reeves lead in defunding it?
We must continue to fight Common Core, at all levels!

Thank you,

The Mississippi Tea Party


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.