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YP FLASH – Mississippi Democrat...

YP FLASH – Mississippi Democrat Chairman Cole: Marcy will be certified

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 6, 2014

Mississippi Democrat Party state chairman Rickey Cole has confirmed to Yall Politics that party switcher Bill Marcy will be ceritifed when the state party meets.

Rumors swirled around state Democrats seeking to challenge Marcy’s candidacy, clearing the way for their choice candidate in former Congressman Travis Childers.

It would seem the party learned their lesson from 2007 when they challenged the candidacy of former Insurance Commissioner George Dale following Dale’s admission of voting for Republican President George W. Bush.

Calhoun County Circuit Judge Henry Lackey eventually overturned the Mississippi Democratic Executive Committee decision that had blocked Dale from running in their primary.

Click here for an interview Dale did with Supertalk’s Paul Gallo back in 2007 courtesy of the YP Archives. (7M)

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.