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The Arizona ‘religious...

The Arizona ‘religious rights’ bill and Mississippi

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 25, 2014

The Arizona ‘religious rights’ bill – and where the fight might move next


The Mississippi Senate passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act at the end of January, which says that the state cannot “burden a person’s right to the exercise of religion” and added “In God We Trust” to the state seal. The bill would need to survive the House, which currently has a Republican majority.
The legislation is very broad — and lack of specificity and the probability of discrimination are what doomed many of the other religious freedom bills being considered around the country. State Senator Hob Bryan said he was worried because the legislation’s expansive decree would protect all religions during floor debate on the bill. “This bill applies to all religions, including Islam, Buddhism and New Age religions,” he said soon after the bill made it through the Senate, according to the Associated Press. “We need to think carefully about the implications of it.”

Washington Post

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.