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Jim Hood appealing federal...

Jim Hood appealing federal judge’s ruling on Mississippi campaign finance law

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 16, 2013

Jim Hood appealing federal judge’s ruling on Mississippi campaign finance law

Attorney General Jim Hood has appealed a federal judge’s ruling that part of Mississippi’s campaign finance law creates an unconstitutional burden for people or groups that spend at least $200 to support or oppose a ballot initiative.
The appeal was filed in October in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The court has not set out a briefing schedule in the case.

“We appealed because we respectfully believe the court erred in declaring unconstitutional this important piece of our campaign finance disclosure statutes. The matter is important enough that we believe the federal appeals court should review the case,” Hood told The Associated Press.


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.