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Governor’s proposal could bring...

Governor’s proposal could bring more officers to high crime areas

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 20, 2013

Governor’s proposal could bring more officers to high crime areas

Governor Phil Bryant says one of the top priorities in his budget proposal is public safety, including spending $1.5 million for what he calls strike forces.

Bryant envisions teams of federal, state, and local law enforcement going into high crime areas and making arrests. He says the officers will move with intense speed to put criminals behind bars.

The strike teams would be regionally based throughout the state.

Bryant says the task forces would be similar to drug interdiction teams that are already in place.

“There’s drug interdiction programs that are available, drug courts. We’re gonna work hard on those, but the truth of the matter is a criminal that intends to do someone harm needs to know there’s going to be a law enforcement officer there to stop them and we’re gonna have somewhere that we can put them,” said Bryant.


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.