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Nunnelee – Obana’s...

Nunnelee – Obana’s dishonesty continues

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 15, 2013

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) released the following statement regarding the President’s address on Obamacare:

“President Obama was not telling the truth when he promised people could keep their health plans, and he did not tell the truth today. His “administrative action” is a desperate attempt to deflect blame from himself and Democrats in Congress who voted for the Obamacare train wreck. Unfortunately for them, no amount of White House spin changes the facts on the ground. Every day, more people are discovering the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act does not protect patients, is not affordable, and was sold to them based on a lie.”

Congressman Alan Nunnelee represents Mississippi’s First Congressional District. He serves on the House Appropriations Committee and the House Budget Committee. This is his second term.
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