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Update on Capitol Prayer and Ministry...

Update on Capitol Prayer and Ministry Foundation

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 25, 2013

The 2014 Legislative Session is coming quickly now and in this time of economic uncertainty and political turmoil in Washington D.C., I think it is great that we have in the State of Mississippi a Capitol Prayer and Ministry Foundation that organizes and plans special times of prayer for our State leaders and elected officials. This is now our third year in operation and our Chairman, Ben B. James, Jr., is again praying and planning for our upcoming session and the great work that the Prayer and Ministry Foundation will be spearheading. I know that our dear friend, Pat Bruce is already communicating with us about assisting in the planning as well.

Shortly, Ben, Governor Tate Reeves and I will be meeting to pray and plan the slate of Christian speakers who will bring a word of prayer and encouragement as our Statewide elected officials, Supreme Court and Court of Appeals and the Legislators will all be invited again to join and participate in the prayer luncheons that are held every-other-week at Galloway United Methodist Church and the Mississippi Baptist Building just next to the Capitol. As a reminder; Governor Reeves hosts an annual fundraiser at Table 100 to raise the funds privately to fund the work of the Capitol Prayer and Ministry Luncheon. This money is used only to pay for the meals so that we do not have to charge anyone to attend these free prayer luncheons and any speaker honoraria that has to be paid to the speakers.

We believe that it is imperative that we place God first and seek His will in all that we do as we move forward together in this great State of Mississippi. Chairman James would remind and encourage us all to pray for this upcoming legislative session and all the work that goes into these prayer luncheons. Ben reminds us to “All pray for our Nation and State in these critical days. 2 Chronicles 7:14”. This is our prayer and hope. If you would like to assist in these efforts, we ask for your prayers, suggestions for speakers and any donations that you would like to contribute towards these efforts. You may contact Senator Joey Fillingane (601)264-3323 or Chairman Ben B. James, Jr., or the Lieutenant Governor’s Office for any additional information.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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