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AJC – Barbour, Rendell: Don’t...

AJC – Barbour, Rendell: Don’t expect immigration overhaul until 2014

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 20, 2013

Barbour, Rendell: Don’t expect immigration overhaul until 2014

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour on Monday predicted that Congress won’t pass legislation overhauling the nation’s immigration system until next year because it will be consumed with federal budget negotiations this fall.
Speaking in downtown Atlanta, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee also predicted the House will pass several immigration bills, unlike the Senate, which passed one comprehensive bill in June.
“Immigration reform is not going to be at the front of the stack,” Barbour predicted about Congress’ focus in the fall. “I do think it will go over into next year.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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