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Clarion Ledger – Attitudes in...

Clarion Ledger – Attitudes in South still firm on guns

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 20, 2012

Attitudes in South still firm on guns

New national polls suggest that public support for stricter gun laws is on the rise, but the topic remains a nonstarter in Mississippi and much of the South.

A new CBS poll released this week shows support for gun control at its highest level in a decade, while a Washington Post/ABC poll found it at a five-year peak, a boost to proponents at a time when gun control is poised to dominate the national political conversation for months to come.

A majority of those surveyed said they favor tighter gun regulations, a position that held true for every region except the South. Here, a plurality still oppose tighter gun laws of any sort, and 1 in 10 residents say they would loosen the restrictions that exist now.

Clarion Ledger

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