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CL EDITORIAL – Church’s...

CL EDITORIAL – Church’s blatant racism inexcusable

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 28, 2012

Church’s blatant racism inexcusable

No blacks had ever been married at the predominantly white church, and some outspoken members at the Crystal Springs church wanted to keep it that way.

Sorry. No black weddings allowed.

Though he claimed to be taken by surprise at what he claimed was the wish of a small minority of the church, First Baptist Church pastor Stan Weatherford followed the demand of the vocal minority and told the couple they should get married elsewhere.

The news was delivered just one day before the wedding.

Never mind that Te’Andrea’s uncle works for the church, or that the Southern Baptist Convention was recently lauded nationally for electing its first African-American leader.

Change in the form of equal rights and treatment has apparently not reached First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs.

The couple did get married. And Dr. Weatherford performed the ceremony. But, it was held at a nearby church in Crystal Springs – segregation-minded minority got its way. Meanwhile, the unwitting majority gets another black eye.

Clarion Ledger Editorial

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.