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Hattiesburg to repeal 86-year-old ban...

Hattiesburg to repeal 86-year-old ban on fortune telling

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 6, 2011

Hattiesburg to repeal 86-year-old ban on fortune telling

Hattiesburg has had an ordinance prohibiting fortune telling since 1925, but it doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that this law won’t be on the books much longer.

City Attorney Charles Lawrence recommended that the City Council repeal the ordinance in today’s meeting after a federal court handed down a preliminary injunction that the ban is “a violation of free speech.”

The injunction came after the city banned a Hattiesburg couple from opening a fortune telling business in November.

“So that’s all we’re doing, right?,” asked City Council President Kim Bradley during a work session Monday. “We’re not necessarily creating something that would allow fortune telling?”

Hattiesburg American

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