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MAJORITY – Suit shows Bennie...

MAJORITY – Suit shows Bennie Thompson’s desired precincts

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 2, 2011

MAJORITY – Suit shows Bennie Thompson’s desired precincts

We recently obtained a copy of the lawsuit filed by Sen. Kelvin Buck and others regarding Congressional redistricting where they offered their own plan, one we can presume is favored and supported by Bennie Thompson.

Earlier this week we gave some assumptions on what the plan might include, and here are those details:

– In Hinds county, the following precincts currently in MS-03 would move to MS-02: 8, 9, 17, 36, 37, 44, 45, and 79. Here is some info on those precincts. The following are majority black: 36, 37, 44, and 79; the following have a substantial number of white liberals: 8, 9, and 17. The only bright red precinct that would move to MS-02 is 45. It’s 87 percent white/ 79 percent McCain but surrounded by majority black, Democratic precincts and there is nothing else you can do if you want to move those to the Second.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.