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Lynn Fitch releases new TV ad...

Lynn Fitch releases new TV ad “Momentum,” begins statewide ad campaign for GOP runoff

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 12, 2011

Lynn Fitch releases new TV ad “Momentum,” begins statewide ad campaign for GOP runoff

Madison – Today the Lynn Fitch for State Treasurer campaign released a new television ad titled “Momentum.” Lynn Fitch, who finished first in the GOP primary for State Treasurer, talks in the ad about how she will manage Mississippi’s money responsibly as State Treasurer, by cutting spending and reducing debt. The ad features endorsements from the Jackson Clarion Ledger and Governor Mike Huckabee. The ad will air in major media markets across the state starting today (link to the ad and script below).

Lynn Fitch for State Treasurer

:30 TV




In the race for State Treasurer, the choice is clear: Lynn Fitch.

The Jackson Clarion Ledger calls Lynn Fitch the “most qualified” candidate…

…who “knows the ins and outs of financing state government.”

Chosen by Haley Barbour, Lynn Fitch cut her budget four times and saved taxpayers millions.

Mike Huckabee calls Lynn Fitch “a leader with a servant’s heart.”

Experienced. Conservative.


“If somebody tells you we can’t cut government spending, reduce debt, and turn Mississippi around, you tell them they haven’t met Lynn Fitch.”

Lynn Fitch campaign release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.