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Mailer – Hewes uses money from...

Mailer – Hewes uses money from Mike Moore and columnists like Bill Minor to attack Reeves

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 20, 2011

Mailer – Hewes uses money from Mike Moore and columnists like Bill Minor to attack Reeves

Former Attorney General Mike Moore has made his way into the GOP primary for lieutenant governor, and as you would imagine ties to Moore are not exactly seen as a positive. First, Moore was prominently mentioned on a recent Tate Reeves mailer attacking Bill Hewes.

It reads: “Billy Hewes is using the money of former Democrat Attorney General Mike Moore and the words of liberal columnist Bill Minor to launch a negative and misleading campaign against Tate Reeves.”

Here is a close-up of the mailer:

Majority in Mississippi

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.