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CL Opinion – Increase penalty for...

CL Opinion – Increase penalty for missing campaign finance report deadline

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 20, 2011

CL Opinion – Increase penalty for missing campaign finance report deadline

As The Clarion-Ledger reported last week, more than 75 political candidates failed to turn in their campaign finance reports by the deadline this month, including 10 incumbent lawmakers who should have known better.

As Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann noted, “accurate and timely campaign finance reporting and disclosure is a fundamental component of transparency in politics and government.”

It’s especially frustrating when lawmakers – even experienced incumbents – flout these minimal reporting laws by refusing to meet the reporting deadlines.

They should be ashamed for not meeting such basic requirements.

If the penalties were increased, they might take their responsibility to file accurate and timely reports more seriously.

Beyond that, if elected officials were truly concerned about public service, they would be out front in supporting reform for more disclosure in campaign finance.

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.