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Left-wing tries to smear...

Left-wing tries to smear Haley Barbour

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 7, 2011

Left-wing tries to smear Haley Barbour

One of the many reasons why it’s amazing that Haley Barbour is supposed to be taken semi-seriously as a presidential candidate is that he’s basically the governor of a failed state. (Among the other reasons are his appearance, voice and career history.) Mississippi leads the nation in almost everything that a state doesn’t want to lead the nation in. Mississippi is the poorest state in the union, with the highest poverty rate and the lowest quality of life. And the state government is ineffective and oblivious when it isn’t just plain corrupt. Which brings me to Mother Jones’ report today on Mississippi’s child-welfare system, which, you will probably not be surprised to learn, is underfunded, understaffed and completely unable to protect the welfare of children.

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Magnolia Tribune

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