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Congressman Steven Palazzo Named...

Congressman Steven Palazzo Named Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 25, 2011

Congressman Palazzo Named Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-04) issued the following statement regarding being named as a subcommittee Chairman within the House Science, Space and Technology committee:

“Representing the home of NASA’s largest rocket engine testing facility in the country, I am excited to be able to play a role in shaping future manned space-flight missions and maintaining Stennis Space Center’s critical importance in that effort,” Palazzo said. “As a freshman member of Congress, I am honored to have been named to this leadership post.”

Governor Haley Barbour commented on the announcement, saying, “I am pleased Rep. Palazzo has been named Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics. Aerospace and technology play a vital role in the economy of South Mississippi, and it is important our state has a voice in the development of space and aeronautical policy. It shows the regard and respect the Republican Party has for our state that a freshman Congressman would get this vital appointment. Congressman Taylor, a conservative Democrat, had to wait some 15 years to get a subcommittee chairmanship from the Democrats, but the Republicans are giving one to Congressman Palazzo his first year.”

Patrick Scheuermann, director of NASA’s Stennis Space Center, also welcomed today’s announcement, saying, “This is outstanding news. Having Congressman Palazzo serve as chairman of the subcommittee responsible for shaping space policy is great for the employees and mission of NASA and Stennis Space Center.”

The subcommittee chairmanships will be official after they are approved by the full Committee at an organizational meeting scheduled to take place later this week.

Congressman Steven Palazzo Press Release

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