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MIM – Rep. Jeff Smith on...

MIM – Rep. Jeff Smith on potential Speaker vote status in 2011

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 4, 2010

Jeff Smith: We Have 65 Members Who Have Pledged To Support A Conservative Speaker

State Rep. Jeff Smith (D-Columbus) was on the Gallo show today and provided a wealth of significant information for 2011 and the Speaker battle that will soon follow. Smith, of course, was the conservative challenger to Billy McCoy in 2008, losing 62-60 on the third vote. Smith’s coalition was made up of all 47 House Republicans along with 13 House Democrats. Since then, three of those Democrats have joined the Republican caucus.

– Smith said that he would be running for Speaker again, although there certainly may be other conservatives who give it a try; including a Republican.

– Smith pointed to a coalition of 14 Democrats from the Northeastern part of the state (Smith included) who have pledged to support a conservative Speaker. He said the leader of that group is Rep. Greg Ward (D-Ripley).

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.