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Balancing desire for wins with need for...

Balancing desire for wins with need for fiscal care

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 6, 2010

Balancing desire for wins with need for fiscal care

There was a time when a college athletic director’s job was largely ceremonial – a golden parachute for a beloved former football coach tasked with glad-handing alumni in exchange for a cushy salary and plush office.
Today, it’s a profession unto itself, demanding an executive who is, at turns, a personnel manager, fundraiser, budget analyst, public-relations expert and ethicist.
As Maryland’s first new athletic director in 16 years, Kevin Anderson has been charged with all that. And he takes over at a challenging time, with constricting state budgets forcing public universities nationwide to rein in their spending and scale back their ambitions.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.