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MIM – Palazzo and NRCC comment on...

MIM – Palazzo and NRCC comment on Taylor’s ’08 presidential vote

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 27, 2010

Palazzo and NRCC comment on Taylor’s ’08 presidential vote

Both the NRCC and the Steven Palazzo took interest in Gene Taylor’s recent comments that he supported John McCain in 2008.

From Palazzo: “My opponent is desperately trying to have it both ways and hide his liberal record. His votes for Nancy Pelosi have hurt Mississippians. South Mississippians have suffered under the job-killing policies of Obama and Pelosi and will continue to suffer under ObamaCare, Cap-and-Trade and higher taxes on middle class families and small businesses. South Mississippians can’t afford two more years under my opponent and his leader, Nancy Pelosi.”

From the NRCC: “Gene Taylor is clearly terrified that his support for Washington liberals is going to cost him on Election Day. The story here is not who Taylor supported for president in 2008, it’s that he has done untold damage to South Mississippi by supporting Speaker Nancy Pelosi twice and letting her force her reckless job-killing agenda through Congress. Taylor has mastered saying one thing in Mississippi and doing another in Washington, but now it appears he’s figured out how to vote that way too.”

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.