Analysis: It’s the season for tough political ads
Midterm federal elections are just a week away, and many Mississippi TV viewers are being hit with a steady stream of vitriolic political advertising.
The bash-your-opponent commercials are particularly intense in two of the state’s four U.S. House districts — up north in the 1st and down south in the 4th. The Delta-into-Jackson 2nd District and the central 3rd District are not considered competitive this year.
Democrat Travis Childers is trying to hold onto the 1st District seat he won in May 2008. He’s accusing Republican challenger Alan Nunnelee of wanting to slap a 23 percent national sales tax on everything from groceries to guns — never mind that the so-called “fair tax” probably has little chance of becoming law and that even if it did, the plan would eliminate income taxes and payroll taxes.
Read more: – Analysis It s the season for tough political ads