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Travis Childers continues negative...

Travis Childers continues negative campaigning with repetitious attacks

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 1, 2010

Day 3: Alan Nunnelee Running Scared

No Time for North Mississippi Seniors, Rejects impartial AARP debate

Booneville, MS – Today marks Day 3 in State Sen. Alan Nunnelee’s refusal to attend an impartial televised debate sponsored by the Mississippi AARP. On Tuesday, Alan Nunnelee refused to find time for North Mississippi seniors, claiming he was “booked up.” [NEMS Daily Journal, 9/30/10] In an e-mail explaining why the debate was canceled, AARP wrote, “Unfortunately, State Sen. Nunnelee has declined the invitation after AARP’s repeated attempts to find a time that is convenient for him.” [AARP e-mail, 9/28/10] The debate was scheduled to take place on Friday, October 8, and to be aired on WTVA, Tupelo’s NBC affiliate.

“The First District congressional office isn’t a fancy restaurant. We don’t get ‘booked up,’” said Travis Childers. “My opponent’s refusal to make time for our seniors makes it pretty clear how out of touch he is with what’s important to North Mississippi and how afraid he is to talk about his record. I hope that he changes his mind and agrees to join me in talking directly to North Mississippians about the issues that matter to them.”

It’s not surprising that Alan Nunnelee is ashamed of his record of lying to North Mississippi seniors. He’s been going along with plans to gamble away seniors’ Social Security benefits for the past 7 months. Only when he realized that he was down in the polls did he claim to oppose privatization, lying that he had opposed it for months. And Nunnelee currently chairs a corporate-funded group that supports Social Security privatization. []


Paid for by Childers for Congress

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.