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Nat. Journal asks insiders who...

Nat. Journal asks insiders who you’d campaign for … 3 % say Barbour – HaleyWatch

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 1, 2010

Nat. Journal asks insiders who you’d campaign for … 3 % say Barbour – HaleyWatch

Q: Whom would you like to campaign for you this fall?>

Republicans (33 votes)

John Boehner 58 percent
Mitt Romney 42 percent
Newt Gingrich 36 percent
Sarah Palin 24 percent
Jim DeMint 15 percent
None of the above 12 percent

Also receiving votes: Haley Barbour, Chris Christie, 3 percent each.

Boehner. “No one is working harder to achieve a GOP majority.”

Boehner, Romney. “They can’t see Russia from their house, but they know how to create jobs.”

Romney. “He has the gravitas of a presidential candidate — and in a party without a true leader, and if the name of the game is raising money and attracting press while not looking like a tea party lunatic, he’s your best bet.”

Gingrich. “If you’re looking for substance with conservative credentials, Newt is your guy.”

Gingrich, Romney. “They appeal to a wide range, especially independents, and their message is economy-focused, which is what the November 2 vote will be all about.”

Gingrich, Boehner, Romney. “Who wouldn’t want a former speaker, the next speaker and potentially the next president to come and campaign for them?”

Palin. “She has real star power in my district. My constituents adore her.”

All of the above. “In my district, anyone who is opposed to Obama is welcome.”

None of the above. “As we are in the process of convincing our constituents that we are changing our ways, parading around the same old faces won’t be too persuasive.”

Barbour. “He is smarter, funnier, and less polarizing than all the others combined.”

Christie. “He’s a rock star.”

National Journal

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.