Gulf States Voice New Suspicions About BP
“I am convinced BP and Transocean wanted to continue their behind the scenes legal strategy until the public fervor over the oil disaster died down,” Hood said. “I finally pinned BP down last Thursday and Transocean sent the Coastal Attorneys General a letter today stating their position. They want to drag any actions brought by the states in state court into a federal district court in Houston, Texas. Mississippi claims should be heard in Mississippi courts. I think my fellow Attorneys General feel the same way about their states’ claims.”
Been there, done that
Hood says he’s been though it all before, fighting with insurance companies in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
“I have experienced first-hand the frustration of unnecessary postponement of the judicial process caused by dilatory defense tactics, including imprudent removal to federal court,” Hood said. “These unfair stalling tactics must be stopped.”
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“I was hoping that BP and Transocean would not take the 20 year litigation path that Exxon took and we could settle out of court, but it appears that a costly legal battle lies ahead,” Hood said.
Consumer Affairs