Chairman Jamie Franks response to Scott Bounds
May 10, 2010
TUPELO — Democratic Party Chairman Jamie Franks today released the following statement in reaction to Rep. Scott Bounds’ announcement that he was joining the Republican Party:
“The truth of the matter is that Scott has been a Democrat in name-only. He has voted with the majority of Republicans more times than most Republican members of the House have,” Franks said. “In fact, no Democrat has voted fewer times with the Democratic majority on key issues than Scott.
“What Scott Bounds did today was not switch parties, he just finally started telling the truth about what party he supports,” Franks said. “He’ll have to answer to voters in Neshoba County about lying to them for so long.”
Here are a few statistics about Rep. Scott Bounds and his record during the most recent legislative session:
Rep. Scott Bounds voted with a majority of Republicans 92 percent of the time.
Out of 49 Republicans, only 15 voted with a majority of the Republican members more times than did Rep. Scott Bounds. That means he had a voting record as a Democrat that is “more Republican” than do 34 of the Republican members of the Legislature.
No Democrat has voted less times with the Democratic majority on key issues than has Rep. Scott Bounds.
No Democrat has voted AGAINST prevailing measures more than Rep. Scott Bounds.
Rep. Scott Bounds introduced a bill that would have allowed employers to force employees filing a workers compensation claim to take a drug and alcohol test without probable cause that the worker was using drugs or alcohol and regardless of the nature of the accident. That means if a box fell on a employee, that employee could have been forced to submit to a drug and alcohol test before moving forward with his/her claim. The measure failed. (HB 1484)