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CL – It’ll take partison...

CL – It’ll take partison efforts for Miss. to craft a viable budget

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 19, 2010

CL – It’ll take partison efforts for Miss. to cratft a vialble budget

Barbour has not sugar-coated the situation and is not expected to tonight. He has offered up cuts and suggested long-term reorganization plans to save money.

There are no easy answers, but one is for the Republican governor and Democratic lawmakers to avoid partisan clashes that have characterized past sessions. The numbers are the numbers and arguing won’t change them.

So, the state of the state isn’t too good in 2010. It could be worse as is the case in many other states.

It will take sacrifice and hard choices to get through this fiscal crisis. It also will take compromise to seek common goals if the governor and legislative leaders are to provide the plan. That is not a easy message but one that must heard.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.