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Childers talks in D.C. to Delta...

Childers talks in D.C. to Delta Grassroots Caucus

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 16, 2009

Childers talks in D.C. to Delta Grassroots Caucus

While most of the lawmakers addressed health care reform, Childers also talked economic development and job creation and about differences in the way the federal government treats rural and urban regions.

But he started off by making an admission: “I am so proud to be in Washington, D.C., in a room full of people who talk like I talk,” he said as the crowd roared with laughter. “I talk from one end of this city to the other and most of ’em don’t understand a word I say.”

Then he got serious.

“Rural America has always been a second-class area to so many other parts of the country, and I don’t like that,” he said.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.