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Last call for seersuckers

Last call for seersuckers

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 4, 2009

Last call for seersuckers

It’s a sad day on the calendar, the last business day before Labor Day. That means it’s the last day to pull a cool cotton seersucker suit out of the closet for the trip to the Capitol.
It also means that Congress is about to return to work, fully loaded for bear.
The earth has an exact time that it becomes Summer and then Fall, but in terms of clothing rules, the only acceptable time to wear a seersucker (here in DC at least) is between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
I am not ready for wool, that’s for sure.
Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott had the best seersucker that I have ever seen. It was a blue and white model, but not the usual thin lines. Rather it was a checkerboard print that made him look like a walking table cloth.
Goodbye, Summer. I will miss coming out of the cool of the Capitol and into the warm, moist air hanging around what was once known as Jenkins Hill and Tiber Creek.
Less than nine months until Memorial Day…

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.