Pettus examines alienation-of-affections lawsuits in light of Pickering vs. vs. Creekmore-Byrd
But she’s not the first person to do so in Mississippi.
The mo-tives for filing alienation-of-affections lawsuits vary, but many come down to one thing: money.
This is often the case when the people involved already have it.
“In the case of monied people, many times it is about, ‘She not only won my husband’s love, she’s got all my bucks, too,’ ” said E. Michael Marks, a Jackson lawyer who has handled alienation-of-affections lawsuits throughout a practice spanning 44 years.
Jackson lawyer John Walker also said that when the paramours are people of means, the spouses who suffered from their actions are more likely to file such lawsuits.
The alienation-of-affections claim was brought back to the forefront last week when Leisha Pickering alleged in her lawsuit that her husband’s affair with a former college sweetheart ruined their marriage and led him to give up his political life.