Neshoba County Fair political speaking ‘light menu’ still tasty
After the meat-and-potatoes-with-dessert-after political speaking fare of the 2007 statewide general election and the 2008 federal elections, fans of the Neshoba County Fair’s unique brand of bare-knuckle, open air political oratory will feel like they’ve been put on Slim-Fast this year.
The 2009 Neshoba County Fair will be held July 24-31 with political speaking scheduled July 29-30. But the 2009 version will feature only the seven of the state’s eight statewide elected officials and a sprinkling of Neshoba County state legislators and judicial officials.
Mississippi’s next statewide general election is still two years away in 2011. Congressional elections are a year away in 2010. There are no judicial elections this year.
For that reason, the Fair Association has limited political speaking to only incumbent office holders who represent Neshoba County in either the executive, legislative or judicial branches of government.