Law and More – Jim Hood, The Action Hero
A comeback couldn’t be stronger. Money talks and formerly disgraced Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood has brought $40 million of it and more into the state.
In his settlement with Microsoft, reports John O’Brien of Legal, the company will give that $40 million to the state, in addition to vouchers for dollars-off to those who had purchased its products, and $10 million for the lawyers.
The latter part is the only loose end, notes O’Brien. The state auditor Stacey Pickering protested that the attorney fees should be distributed through the Legislature, not court order. But that’s a minor detail for this victory saga for Hood. His buddy Dickie Scruggs is in the slammer and Hood is out here, an authentic Action Hero, at least in the eyes of the citizens of his states. In the history plays of Shakespeare, it’s observed: The crowd is fickle.
Law and More