JFP: Crisler Leads after McMillin Endorsement
Hinds County Sheriff Malcolm McMillin’s endorsement last Friday made a big difference for Councilman Marshand Crisler in the crowded field of Democratic mayoral candidates in Jackson, according to political consulting firm Zata|3.
Prior to McMillin’s announcement, incumbent Mayor Frank Melton led the pack with 27 percent of voters, in a poll of 500 Jackson voters completed April 1. After the endorsement, a second, April 3 poll shows Crisler in the lead with 27.5 percent, especially among white voters.
“[I]t’s safe to say that the Sherriff’s embracing of Councilman Crisler was a nice bump,” wrote Zata|3 President Brad Chism in an e-mail. “But we all expect that to flatten out some.”
JFP 4/6/9