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Joey Langston’s Booneville law...

Joey Langston’s Booneville law firm reflects old, new ‘family’ ties

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 16, 2009

Booneville law firm reflects old, new family ties

“Family tradition dies hard,” Lott noted, “and it was important to our entire family that we survive our family’s tough times by continuing to build a strong firm.”

However, “Joey’s trouble” sent most of his firm’s attorneys to new locales. Robert “Bo” Burress III set up his own firm in Booneville. William Quin II is in Jackson, and Russ McNees moved to Oxford.
Despite all that, The Langston Law Firm continues to exist, mostly on paper.

Its 2008 and 2009 annual reports, filed with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office, show it’s in good standing with Joey Langston and his wife, Tracie, as its officers, and directors including attorneys Ronald Michael of Booneville and Richard Bowen of Iuka, the principals of an earlier law firm with Langston.

In their legal practices, Michael and Bowen went their own ways a few years ago.

Lott explained it exists to “respond” to its former clients. He credits Joey Langston for keeping on some employees to handle these requests.

“Most attorneys who might have experienced Joey’s problems wouldn’t have gone to the expense of providing such a service,” Lott noted about his uncle, “but he has never been accused of not taking care of his clients.”

Langston & Lott represents many of the other firm’s clients.

Joey Langston is set to report to federal prison in Montgomery, Ala., by Monday to begin serving his 36-month sentence.

NE MS Daily Journal

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March 16, 2009

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