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The Clock is Ticking on GOP Leadership...

The Clock is Ticking on GOP Leadership Void- Paul Gallo

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 4, 2008

Gallo Notes:

A new CNN/Opinion Research Corp poll shows 61% of Americans don’t want a bumper to bumper bailout. That’s down from some surveys I’ve seen earlier. Why? The CEO’s of the unions and car makers are whining and promising everything catastrophic except a direct hit from a large asteroid. With the doom and gloom video playing on cable news constantly against a backdrop of a clock ticking down to zero, I expect the number of Americans polled the next time to drop a bit more.

What we need now more than ever is Conservative leadership in Washington to put another proposal front and center to quell that whining. When the microphones and cameras are finished with Pelosi acquiescing to their demands with absolutely no logical business plan other than, “extortion through doom”, GOP leaders, in unison and of one accord, should present a carefully thought out “Dave Ramsey” type business plan “On the other side of bankruptcy”.

Here is a perfect time to win the confidence of the American people and a perfect time to show them there is another choice in Washington. Present a reorganizational plan that restructures this industry so that it can be competitive in the future. You want some ideas and advice? Go to your local banker and businessman or woman who has seen it all; weathered the past storms and come out stronger on the other side. We already know what most of their suggestions would be.

You’ve got to dump the same union mandates that are eating you alive. Those are benefit and pension cost that will remain the “monster in the room” no matter who helps you keep the lights on for a while longer. Other tough choices which are both apparent and difficult, are reducing the labor force, shutting down unproductive and outdated plants, re-defining and re-evaluation of numerous company brands and restructuring the administration to be lean, mean and responsive to everyone from the workers on the line to the dealers across America.

Can it be done in a political enviornment? Sure it can with the right leadership. And we need that Conservative leadership right now to step up the microphone and define the Party. As the CEO’s move their price tag from $25 to $34 billion, America watches and listens.
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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.