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Layla Kiffin Is Turning Into A Very...

Layla Kiffin Is Turning Into A Very Popular Woman

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 4, 2008

Layla Kiffin Is Turning Into A Very Popular Woman

Remember back when was the height of internet genius? Now we’ve moved on to a coach’s wife. And by we I mean anonymous internet web sites. In the wake of Lane Kifffin’s introductory press conference, Layla Kiffin has received an ample amount of attention. How much? On Monday afternoon, one hour after the press conference, “Lane Kiffin’s wife” was the number one most searched term on Google trends. What was number three? “Layla Kiffin.” Many Vol fans wanted a coach who could win the press conference. Turns out we got a wife that could win the press conference instead. At least according to the folks behind

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.