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REDBLUE – How you can tell...

REDBLUE – How you can tell Musgrove’s Senate campaign is imploding

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 2, 2008

How you can tell Musgrove’s Senate campaign is imploding

So, with the realization of the past two weeks that he cannot get over the top running as a conservative, Musgrove has now determined to hope that Barack Obama can carry him through the finish line on election day. First, comes the astounding post card distributed by the Mississippi Democratic Party showing Obama, Musgrove and Erik Fleming all pictured beside a large photo of Musgrove and tagged as “Mississippi’s Team for Change.” The only change that tactic is likely to bring in the political lives of Ronnie Musgrove and Erik Fleming is the change from their status as candidates on November 4 to former candidates on November 5.

Then, comes the equally astounding revelation that none other than Hillary Clinton herself is drumming up money for Musgrove through her liberal political action committee called HillPAC. Her pitch to her far left contributors list is that they need to help Musgrove “win a Senate seat for Democrats,” and Musgrove is running against a “conservative, Republican opponent.”

And today — this is the best of all — Bill Clinton’s voice comes in on a Robo-Call to Wicker Campaign Headquarters, asking for support for Musgrove!

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.