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Motions on Jury Questionnaires in Frank...

Motions on Jury Questionnaires in Frank Melton trial

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 27, 2008

Latest motions from Frank Melton’s trial

Motion from the Government including it’s questions

Motion from Frank Melton et al defense including it’s questions

Government questions.

1. A. What is the highest level education you have achieved?
B. If you attended a college or university, please identify: (1) the school, (2)
any degree that you obtained, and (3) the field of study that you pursued.
2. Have you ever studied law or taken any courses in law, law enforcement,
criminology or criminal justice? _________
If yes, please describe:
3. Please list your occupation, employer (if you are retired or not currently
employed, please indicate your most recent occupation and employer), and the
length of time that you have been, or were, employed by your current or most
recent employer?
4. What are/were your specific duties and responsibilities on the job, including
whether you supervise others – and if so, how many people do you supervise?
5. Have you, your spouse, close relatives or any close friends ever worked in a lawenforcement-
related job, such as police, sheriff, state trooper, prison guard,
federal law enforcement, or the military police? 1. Yes ___ 2. No ___
If yes, please explain:
6. List any religious, social, civic, professional, trade, union, athletic group, country
club, or other organizations that you or your spouse have been affiliated with:
7. If you have held an office or are currently an officer in any organization with
which you are or have been affiliated, please list the organization and the office
you held:
8. What is your main source of news? (please circle one): a. television; b. radio;
c. newspaper; d. magazines; e. Internet; f. none; g. other
9. Please list your three favorite TV shows and three favorite radio programs?
10. What magazines or newspapers do you read on a regular basis?
11. Have you ever served on a jury? (please circle one) a. Yes, criminal trial
b. Yes, civil trial c. Yes, both criminal and civil d. Yes, grand jury
e. No
If yes, please describe the general nature of the case and any verdict rendered:

12. Have you ever been a party, witness or observer in any kind of lawsuit?
1. Yes ___ 2. No ___
If yes, please explain:
13. Have you, or has your spouse, any close relative, or friend, ever been arrested,
accused of a crime, charged or indicted for a crime, or taken to jail for any
reason? 1. Yes ___ 2. No ___
If yes, please explain:
14. Have you, or has your spouse, any close relative or friend, ever had a serious
dispute with any city, state or federal governmental agency? (including the local
police, sheriffs’ departments, highway patrol, FBI, IRS, Social Security
Administration, Veterans Administration, State of Mississippi, District Attorney’s
office, etc.) 1. Yes ___ 2. No ___
If “Yes,” please briefly explain what happened:
Do you think the dispute was handled fairly?
15. Do you have any ethical, religious, political, or philosophical beliefs that would
prevent you from judging others and serving as a juror? 1. Yes
2. No _____
If yes, please explain:

Questions from Melton et. al. defense

1. State your:
a. Employer: __________________________________________
b. Occupation: __________________________________________
c. Position: __________________________________________
d. Annual Income: ____________________________________
e. Labor Union Membership: ______________________________
f. Source of Income if not employed: ________________________
g. Work history for the past 5 years:____________________________
h. Age: ________________________________________________
i. Gender: __________________________________________
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j. Race: ________________________________________________
k. Marital Status: ____________________________________
l. Education: __________________________________________
m. Religion __________________________________________
n. Political Affiliation: ____________________________________
o. Community Activity: ____________________________________
p. Military Service: ____________________________________
2. What special training or skills do you have?
3. How closely do you follow news of current events? (Check only one.)
_____ Never
_____ Almost never
_____ Occasionally
_____ Several times a week
_____ Daily
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4. What is your primary source of information about current events? (Check only
_____ Local newspaper
_____ National newspapers or news magazines
_____ Local television news
_____ National television news
_____ Radio
_____ Internet editions of newspapers
_____ Other people
_____ I don’t keep up with current events
5. With regard to this case, have you seen or heard any of the following (check all
that apply):
_____ Television coverage of this case.
_____ Newspaper coverage of this case.
_____ Radio coverage of this case.
_____ Comments about Frank Melton including lifestyle, career,
temperament, personality, etc.
If you checked any of the above spaces, please state what you have seen or have
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6. Have you read, seen or heard any publicity about Frank Melton which you
consider to be negative?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If your answer is “Yes,” please state what you have read, seen or heard.
7. When you purchase a product which requires assembly such as a bicycle,
barbeque grill, child’s toy, etc., do you: (check only one)
_____ Follow instructions carefully step-by-step
_____ Figure out how to do it on your own
_____ Get someone to do it for you
8. Have you or any close family member ever been involved in a dispute with any
government agency, including the police.
_____ Yes
_____ No
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9. Have you formed or expressed any negative opinion about Frank Melton?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If your answer is “Yes,” would that opinion affect any decision you might make in
this case?
_____ Yes
_____ No
10. Have you formed an opinion about the guilt or innocence of Frank Melton in this
_____ Yes
_____ No
If you answer is “Yes,” please explain your answer.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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September 27, 2008

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