Obama releases his “in-your-face” hounds
Warning: If your neighbor’s got an “Obama ‘08? bumper sticker or lawn sign, you might want to double-check your door locks at night. The One has commanded his Purveyors of Change to go forth and proselytize to the unbelievers. And they’re not going to be knocking gently like Avon Ladies.
Barack Obama, you see, is done fixing souls. It’s time to crack heads. Prodded by panicked Democrats to take off his white gloves, he issued a Call to Strong-Arms to his legions of angry followers on Wednesday. Hope is out. Hellfire is in. Now, the same analysts who tut-tutted Sarah Palin’s mild use of sarcasm at the GOP convention are heralding — in the words of the Obama water-carriers at the Associated Press — Obama’s “feistier, more sarcastic tone” and his push for Democrat activists “to sharpen their elbows, too.”
When Republicans get aggressive, it’s “dirty.” When Obama gets aggressive, it’s “feisty.” Exorteth the One: “I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”
Team Obama is so committed to this “face-to-face” shock troop campaign that it is now busing activists from state to state (“Drive for Change!”) to target undecided voters – and offering subsidies to volunteers. In advance of Obama’s rally in Nevada, California field director Mary Jane Stevenson organized a pilgrimage to boost the crowd numbers with housing incentives:
“Face-to-face contact with undecided voters is the single most effective way to grow this movement. No experience is required, and we’ll help you make the trip as easily as possible with either housing in Nevada or discounted group rates at an area hotel.”
Michelle Malkin