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Hinds County ex parte...

Hinds County ex parte ‘scandal’. . . Much ado about not much

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 17, 2008

Today, Assistant Public Defender filed a motion claiming the need for the Hinds County DA and Senior Circuit Judge Swan Yerger to recuse themselves in a criminal case due to some alleged ex parte communications.

Rumors had been swirling for days on FOLO and other blogs that this was the next Bobby DeLaughter-sized scandal, but it doesn’t appear that there is a whole lot of meat on the bone. Even if what is alleged in the motion is completely true, this doesn’t arise to “scandal” level and may be explained by nothing more than a lapse in communications. Ex parte communication is bad, no question about it, but it doesn’t appear that millions have changed hands or if this is a wrong that can’t/won’t be otherwise righted (if need be).

Hattip on this to Phunk & Wagnalls.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.