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Dems: Musgrove will do well in vote

Dems: Musgrove will do well in vote

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 26, 2008

The Sun Herald, 5/25/8

A new poll commissioned by Democrats shows former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove leading Roger Wicker by eight points in the race for Trent Lott’s old Senate seat.

They said it’s proof there are no safe bets for the GOP in 2008.

But Republicans say the poll, which was released last week, is not to be trusted because Democrats paid for it and it’s really too early to tell. GOP officials believe Wicker – U.S. Rep. for a north Mississippi district until being appointed as interim senator by Gov. Haley Barbour late last year – will win on his record. They point out Wicker has raised more than six times as much money as Musgrove.

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