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SLABBED – Senate Votes to Renew...

SLABBED – Senate Votes to Renew Flood Insurance Program Part 2: The Politics

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 16, 2008

Senate Votes to Renew Flood Insurance Program Part 2: The Politics

Rather than adding on to Nowdy’s post I’ll add the text of today’s Sun Herald Op-Ed on the S. 2284 vote. For what ever reason they mixed in this Reuters story in the online page by Kevin Drawbaugh on the Senate vote which I thought was both fact based and well written. On the front page of today’s Sun Herald is this AP story. We duly noted both Senators Wicker and Cochran voted in favor of S. 2284 while Florida’s Bill Nelson joined Mary Landrieu and David Vitter in voting against passage.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.