WLBT – Employment Security Dept. in Jeopardy
So why is this state agency in jeopardy? The Governor says it has to do with state advertising on a conservative Mississippi radio network.
“They thought that they were politically criticized on talk radio,” he said. “I guess they thought to shut-up talk radio, that they were going to try to make sure the state didn’t do any advertising — and that’s just malarkey.”
In fact the amendment to create a bid process on state advertising didn’t have anything to do with employment security.
“We’re strictly a vehicle for that attachment language to be put into the bill at the last minute,” said Fitch.
In fact, the Department of Employment Security it prohibited by federal law to advertise or market itself.
Representative Earle Banks (D-Jackson) says the state spends millions of dollars in advertising with no-bid process. He’d like to see the House leadership sit down with the Governor to try and work something out.
“Because in this process, really, the Senate doesn’t seem to matter,” Banks said. “They’ll do what ever the governor wants. They’re like lap puppies for the governor.”
Meanwhile, hundreds of jobs hang in the balance.