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AU streak lacks aura of authority

AU streak lacks aura of authority

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 22, 2008

AU streak lacks aura of authority
The last time Alabama beat Auburn in football — Nov. 17, 2001 — the average price for a gallon of gas was $1.20. And you thought Alabama fans were the only ones feeling the pinch over these many years.

But in many respects, it almost feels like Auburn fans continue to have to justify one of the most remarkable feats in the school’s storied football history. In some respects, they have allowed Alabama fans to put an imaginary asterisk by this six-game streak.

Why do Auburn fans often find themselves having to defend the streak around the water cooler? It’s an illegitimate streak, some Tide fans claim, because of NCAA probation and multiple coaching changes. The rest of the reasons, real or imagined, roll off the tongues of Tide fans with ease.

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