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ICLAWBLOG – April 17: Trailer...

ICLAWBLOG – April 17: Trailer Lawyer identity crisis, more on Moore

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 17, 2008

April 17: Trailer Lawyer identity crisis, more on Moore

What have we got here, some kind of sixth-hand information, some “investigator” talked to Stallings about what Lackey and Stallings said? What does it mean, “his investigator,” Moore is in private practice now, no longer an AG, what does he do, walk around with a butler, a manicurist, a bodyguard and an investigator? Who has an investigator?

Isn’t this just amazing? Moore’s evidence that he uses to call Lackey out as a liar is some “yes, boss” e-mail. I can picture that e-exchange. Moore: “Didn’t my investestigator tell me while I was yelling at the butler that he anticipated Lackey would take the stand and so he asked Stallings what Stallings said to Lackey and Stallings denied what Lackey just said? Isn’t that the way it happened?”

Response: “y-y-yessir, why, yessir, that’s exactly what the truth is, what you just said, sir.”

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April 17, 2008

Gallo Notes 4/17