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Is Ronnie Musgrove the “unnamed...

Is Ronnie Musgrove the “unnamed public official” in the new Beef Plant indictments?

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 26, 2008

US Senate Candidate Ronnie Musgrove will likely have many questions to answer with a newly unsealed round of federal indictments of people associated with the Facilities Group in Georgia.

In the indictment, the Government alleges that campaign finance reports were intentionally circumvented at a July 23 party in Smyrna, Georgia, home of the Facilities Group. TFG provided support and logistics for the now failed $50 million debacle also known as the Beef Plant.

A copy of Musgrove’s July 2003 campaign finance report can be found here. In it, you will notice in red boxes the names of people/entities that appear to have made donations in conjunction with that Georgia event, referenced on Page 6 of the indictment.

Our friend Sid Salter also agrees.

One major exclusion in the list of investigative agencies which include State Auditor Stacey Pickering, US Attorney Jim Greenlee, and the FBI was none other than our own Attorney General Jim Hood. This would make the second such major criminal investigation initiated by the Feds that has not seen fit to draw from the expansive criminal prosecution experiencial reservior that our former “tough as nails” DA-turned-AG brings to the table.

With Musgrove being the only announced candidate for the Democrats in the Special Election to be held in November, it is a likely bet that his party will circle the wagons to protect and defend at all costs their only shot at gaining a Senate seat anytime soon.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.